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About Us


Our compromise is to provide a healthy, loving, trustful and playful environment for our kids to feel comfortable, safe and motivated in order to develop their first personal abilities, skills and contact with the outside world.

The most valuable and useful social- emotional tools will be given to them in this essential learning stage... PRESCHOOL.



We will focus on their most important abilities and skills which will make the difference in their future: self- esteem and confidence, habits, adaptability, connecting with themselves and others, empathy, creativity, responsibility,  sharing and socializing,  following rules, respecting and setting boundaries as well as making the right decisions. 

At Kinder Valley, we will guide, accompany and inspire our kids through significant learning experiences while they play and have fun; at the same time acquire everything they´ll need throughout their following stages and future lives in this "School for Life".


*  G R A T I T U D E

*  E M P A T H Y

*  T O L E R A N C E 

*  L O Y A L T Y

*  R E S P E C T

*  C R E A T I V I T Y

*  R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y

*  S E R V I C E

*  A W A R E N E S S 

*  D E T E R M I N A T I O N

*  C O M P A S S I O N

*  H O N E S T Y 

© 2020 by Kinder Valley

A School for Life

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